Are you losing opportunities because you haven’t invested in your brand?
In short – probably.
You’re losing opportunities every day because your story and design aren’t aligned with who you are and what you offer.
We’re thinking in particular about coaching, consulting, education or expertise brands.
You’re amazing at what you do, your clients love you, you’re invited to speak on podcasts, and most importantly you get results.
You help people grow businesses, you teach them how to live better, and you support them through their personal and business transformations.
And yet, when a new referral or lead goes to your website – they discover someone who isn’t serious about their business.
The website is outdated, with old photography when you still had bangs, or a shaved head…
The copy on the website still tells people about your dog and why you love her (that was a trend but it’s not anymore!)
Those leads go to the site, take a quick look and don’t really want to endure the eye sore or wade through outdated material.
They expect a clean website experience where they can quickly assess whether or not you’re the right fit.
Most people make a decision about continuing their journey on a website in about 2 seconds. 2 SECONDS?!
Are you conveying what you need to quickly enough to keep them engaged?
You were so good on that podcast! Where did it all go wrong?
As a coach, consultant or expert – investing in a brand can feel daunting and like a heavy lift. It’s hard to brand yourself when that’s not the core of what you do.
BUT the truth is you have to brand. You don’t have to do the actual work.
Think about all the people coming to your site who want to work with you but can’t get past that old pic of you in a loose fitting suit you stole from the 90s. Yeah, the one with the shoulder pads…
If this sounds like you – it’s time. Time to take your site to the next level and do it right.
Even a simple refresh will help, but for chrissakes do something.
Have your best friend go out with you and an iPhone (or Pixel for you android nuts) and shoot some new pics.
Have a designer on Upwork give your site a refresh.
You can go big and do an entire branding refresh. But you can also go small and simply update your colors and typography.
Either way, you’ll start to gain back all those opportunities by creating a better experience for people across your channels.
Ok, enough of us ranting. Just do it!