Our Client Disappeared! Now What?

The client disappeared in the middle of a brand project. No email, no communication, just <poof> We had gone through their messaging work and had just begun the site design. They had a few things to review and then we were going to do another pass and finish their site.  Then, nothing. Crickets.  Several months […]

Does Your Brand Have a ‘Genre’?

The idea of “genre” is something that’s come to us over the years, that’s so important to how we communicate, yet is totally underutilized in the business world.  We all know what genres are in reference to entertainment…music, movies, etc. Scrolling through Netflix, HBO or any streaming service, you ask yourself, “What mood am I […]

The Difference Between a Brand Story and an Origin Story

Everyone wants a brand story. They do – trust us. We get asked for it all the time… “We need a brand story!” they’ll say. But very few people actually understand what that means.  Luckily for you, we do. That’s why we created SuperBrand. Here’s what a brand story is…from our perspective.  Most people think […]

Risky Business

Rule for standing out: Take a Risk Today, to make an impact on people and stand out in their minds you have to do something that gets their attention and makes them stare.  Whether it’s a cool website, an ad, an email…  Wherever you connect with your audience, if you’re not capturing their attention, your […]

Are You Playing Russian Roulette with your Messaging?

Do you ever get confused on sales calls because you feel like every prospect needs to hear something different in order to buy or engage? Do you ever find yourself doing that messaging dance, trying to find just the right thing to say to get someone to buy? If you feel like you’re playing musical […]

2022 is the year of having a point of view

Our job at SuperBrand is not to do what our clients ask us to do. Our job as brand strategists and designers is to lead our brands into new territories so that they can stand out, be unique and make an impact. If we just did what brands thought they needed, we wouldn’t be doing […]

Typography in the Wild – NYC Edition

Some cities hide the good stuff for those in the know (LA, I’m talking to you!). But NY lays itself bare in front of anyone who takes the time to look. ? One of the things I love looking at in NY is the graphics. From posters, to shop signs, stickers, museum exhibitions – graphics and […]

T-Shirt Worthy! Brands We Love

Some people take wearing a branded product lightly – they’ll put on any brand and not think twice about it. As designers, artists and conscious consumers who have opinions on branding and companies and their effect on the world, we can’t just wear any old brand on our clothes…  We wear brands we actually have […]

Your Online Story and The Line of Trust

So there’s something that’s been on my mind lately: Trust. Building trust as a business is exactly like building trust as person. It’s about consistency of character and repeatedly proving to people that you’ll act in accordance with any promises you make – spoken or unspoken. Let’s talk about the opposite for a sec. Have […]

Forget Content. Context Is How to Get People to Remember You

The human mind is a context machine; we think in context. Context is what allows our minds to make meaningful connections that persist. If you look at memory champions, the way they remember long strings of numbers is by placing them into a context. That’s because our brain was originally designed to map out the […]