What Opportunities Are You Missing Every Day?

Are you losing opportunities because you haven’t invested in your brand? In short – probably. You’re losing opportunities every day because your story and design aren’t aligned with who you are and what you offer.  We’re thinking in particular about coaching, consulting, education or expertise brands.  You’re amazing at what you do, your clients love […]

Our Client Disappeared! Now What?

The client disappeared in the middle of a brand project. No email, no communication, just <poof> We had gone through their messaging work and had just begun the site design. They had a few things to review and then we were going to do another pass and finish their site.  Then, nothing. Crickets.  Several months […]

Does Your Brand Have a ‘Genre’?

The idea of “genre” is something that’s come to us over the years, that’s so important to how we communicate, yet is totally underutilized in the business world.  We all know what genres are in reference to entertainment…music, movies, etc. Scrolling through Netflix, HBO or any streaming service, you ask yourself, “What mood am I […]

Branding Is Also for B2Bs. Here’s Why!

We often cite examples of consumer brands when we talk about branding concepts.  But the truth is, branding isn’t just for retail packaged goods, clothing or other consumer services…  Small B2Bs like us also use our brand to inspire processes, the client experience, and provide a set of values that drives the story around who […]

The Difference Between a Brand Story and an Origin Story

Everyone wants a brand story. They do – trust us. We get asked for it all the time… “We need a brand story!” they’ll say. But very few people actually understand what that means.  Luckily for you, we do. That’s why we created SuperBrand. Here’s what a brand story is…from our perspective.  Most people think […]

What We Learned at Token2049 in Singapore

Want to know how to stand out in an ocean of companies at the world’s largest Web3 conference?? It’s NOT easy… A few months back we went to TOKEN 2049 in Singapore – a premier Web3 event that housed almost 2,000 Web3 projects and over 7,000 attendees from around the world. To say this was […]

The Industry Trap

Don’t fall into the trap of what’s expected in your industry What everyone else is doing – color, fonts, design As you might have noticed, we are committed to helping our clients to STAND OUT.  We want people to notice you.  We want people to listen to you. We want people to love you.  We […]

Your Style Sucks

Say the word “style” ten times fast and it absolutely loses all meaning.  That’s partly because when we think about style, it can have so many meanings that it becomes a general placeholder for basically everything.  Even the definition of “style” is a concoction of words and ideas that, unless you already knew what the […]

Risky Business

Rule for standing out: Take a Risk Today, to make an impact on people and stand out in their minds you have to do something that gets their attention and makes them stare.  Whether it’s a cool website, an ad, an email…  Wherever you connect with your audience, if you’re not capturing their attention, your […]

Stand The F*** Out

So many “branding” companies pay lip service to “standing out”. We’ve seen it over and over on agency websites telling people how they’ll help them “stand out from the crowd”, “make an impact” and all those other marketing cliches used so often they become meaningless. The truth is, most companies, people and projects WANT to […]

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