What Opportunities Are You Missing Every Day?

Are you losing opportunities because you haven’t invested in your brand? In short – probably. You’re losing opportunities every day because your story and design aren’t aligned with who you are and what you offer.  We’re thinking in particular about coaching, consulting, education or expertise brands.  You’re amazing at what you do, your clients love […]

The Industry Trap

Don’t fall into the trap of what’s expected in your industry What everyone else is doing – color, fonts, design As you might have noticed, we are committed to helping our clients to STAND OUT.  We want people to notice you.  We want people to listen to you. We want people to love you.  We […]

Your Style Sucks

Say the word “style” ten times fast and it absolutely loses all meaning.  That’s partly because when we think about style, it can have so many meanings that it becomes a general placeholder for basically everything.  Even the definition of “style” is a concoction of words and ideas that, unless you already knew what the […]

Stand The F*** Out

So many “branding” companies pay lip service to “standing out”. We’ve seen it over and over on agency websites telling people how they’ll help them “stand out from the crowd”, “make an impact” and all those other marketing cliches used so often they become meaningless. The truth is, most companies, people and projects WANT to […]

Have no FUD!! (fear, uncertainty and doubt)

Hey, SuperBranders! It’s no secret that we’ve been working with lots of Metaverse, Gaming and Web3 companies to help them build their brands and presence online.  We absolutely LOVE the space. It’s creative, exciting, volatile, new and rife with amazing opportunities.  But with all the volatility in the market – we hear a ton of […]

Together toward our IMAGINED future

Web 3…it’s here in a BIG way! 🌟 Last few months ago, the team went to DCentral and Consensus. We were soaked up the energy of new ideas, technology and a new world of creativity. The metaverse is a new digital world we already inhabit in many ways. There’s lots of BS in Web3, as […]

Stop trying to NOT be an artist

We don’t really want to talk about branding. We want to talk about art. Sure, it may not seem very businessy. You know what your parents always told you, “Art is NO way to make money!” Truth is, that’s a load of BS.💩 Art, as we understand it, is the very thing that defines the […]

Finding the balance

Do you ever struggle with finding the right balance between bending to client requests, versus standing your ground on the creative and strategy you’re proposing? As design and branding experts, we know and understand good…wait, no – great brand design. But, as a business, we understand the importance of giving clients what they want.  Our […]

Typography in the Wild – Psychedelic Edition

Welcome to another edition of Typography in the Wild! Today we’re looking at some cartoon/comix inspired brands we found on a walk around LA. From Venice, to Santa Monica to Downtown LA… Stores are full of cool brands – some local, some not… but what brings these brands together is a fun, psychedelic, illustrative design […]

NFTs and Branding

The thing about NFTs is this… It’s a fast moving market that’s brand new, with plenty of entrepreneurs successfully creating quick money. But creative projects that last, often take quite a bit of time to develop and grow.  Moving fast is a huge asset. But how do you move fast and build a lasting brand? […]

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